How Much is TOO MUCH!
“I want the maximum weight I can get” is a common supplication heard often around here. It is very common for owners of 25 horsepower tractors to ask us for 1,000 pound wheel weights that will fit their model. Their machine only weighs around 2,400 pounds and they feel as though they need it to weigh around 4,400 pounds. They should have bought a bigger tractor. We, of course, do not have any 1,000 pound wheel weights that will fit their model and would not sell them for this application even if we did.
Always start with the recommendations contained in the owner’s manual for your model tractor. Tractor weights are designed to provide stability and or increase efficiency within the carrying capacity of the tractor and the load ratings of the tires. They are not designed to turn a compact tractor into a bulldozer. Your goal should be to maximize performance within the specifications (and the intended application) for your model of tractor.
If you have questions about installing the proper weights on your model, we will be happy to help.
CONTACT US for more information.
Information about Ballasting for Loader Equipped Tractors
⚠ When Choosing and Installing Ballast Weights: ALWAYS refer to the recommendations contained in the owner’s manual for your equipment. ALWAYS refer to the maximum load rating of your tires.
Tractors with excessive ballast weights can realize decreased performance and expensive mechanical/structural failures. Personal injury could also result from improperly weighted tractors. As always, feel free to contact us for more information about your particular model or application.
This blog is general information only, representing the opinions of the author, and does not cover all aspects of the subject matter. Use of the information contained herein is voluntary.